Google Two Factor Authentication

Google Two Factor Authentication Explained

Two Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your NotarySAFE account.

When Two Factor Authentication is enabled, you’ll log in as normal using your NotarySAFE username and password, but you’ll also be required to enter a 6-digit code which will be sent to your mobile phone. A different code will be sent to you each time you log in.

To enable Two Factor Authentication
  1. Sign in to NotarySAFE
  2. Click on 'My settings'
  3. Click on 'Google Two Factor Auth Settings'
  4. Install the Google Authenticator app from either the App Store or Google Play
  5. Once installed, open the app and select 'Begin setup'
  6. Choose 'Scan Barcode'
  7. Use your phone's camera to scan the square image above
  8. Once you have scanned the image, the app with generate a 6 digit code
  9. After the Authenticator has been set up, return to NotarySAFE and click 'Enable Two Factor Authentication'
If your mobile phone doesn't have a camera
  1. Sign in to NotarySAFE
  2. Click on 'My settings'
  3. Click on 'Google Two Factor Auth Settings'
  4. Install the Goolge Authenticator app from either the App Store or Google Play
  5. Once installed, open the app and select 'Begin setup'
  6. Choose 'Manual entry'
  7. Enter your NotarySAFE email address into the 'Account' field
  8. Enter your authentication key into the 'Key' field - Note: The authentication key can be found underneath the square bar code image (see image below)
  9. Ensure the 'time-based' option is turned on
  10. Press the tick at the top right of the screen
  11. After the Authenticator has been set up, return to NotarySAFE and click 'Enable Two Factor Authentication'